BEHAVIOR & TRAINING (D-H) D. BRIAN PLUMMER'S SECRETS OF DOG TRAINING D. Brian Plummer In his popular anecdotal style, the author shows how, by simple, practical steps combined with the right attitude, any dog owner can produce a docile, biddable pet that is a pleasure to own. 177 pp. / 1992 Order #DBPSODT $34.95 DIG IN! EARTHDOG TRAINING MADE EASY Mario Migliorini See description under Terriers. Order #DIGIN $25.95 DOCTOR DUNBARÕS GOOD LITTLE DOG BOOK Ian Dunbar A wonderful guide outlining a gentle, prac- tical approach to training and preventing behavior problems. Delightfully written in a humorous style, offering a wealth of useful advice and ingenious tips. 46 pp. / 2nd/1996 Order #DRDDOG SC $15.00 DOG BEHAVIOR Ian Dunbar A book for dog owners who want to better understand their pet and people who are interested in purchasing a first dog. 219 pp. / color & b/w photos / TFH-1979 Order #DBDUNBAR Reg. $19.95 4M Price $14.95 DOG BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING Lowell Ackerman DVM The experts collaborating on the text of this valuable new book maintain that be- havioral problems are the #1 killer of pet dogs in the US. Each expert on the panel offers sound, timely, and practical advice about the most common behavioral topics and problems, with special emphasis on how to prevent the problems from arising. 288 pp. / 100+ color photos / TFH-1996 Order #DB&TLA $29.95 DOG IQ TEST, THE Melissa Miller Measure your dog's brain power and social skills, and discover your strengths as an owner. 1993 Order #DOGIQ SC $7.95 DOG IS LISTENING, A THE WAY SOME OF OUR CLOSEST FRIENDS VIEW US Roger Caras With personal stories from his own canine family, Caras explores the world from a dogs eye view, what the canine sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells. In a captivating mix of bi- ology, psychology, and anecdote, we learn how dogs catch Frisbees, why they love to be scratched, and why dog food tastes good to them. 228 pp. / photos / 1992 Order #ADILRC $20.00 DOG LOGIC-COMPANION OBEDIENCE RAPPORT-BASED TRAINING Joel M. McMains Based upon favorable dog-owner communi- cation, this book teaches you to develop a responsive, obedient dog that accepts your leadership and lives happily by your rules. McMains, a professional trainer, provides tested and reliable exercises for both the household companion and the competition dog. 224 pp. / 60 photos / HWL-1992 Order #DLCOJM $21.95 DOG PERFECT THE USER FRIENDLY GUIDE TO A WELL-BEHAVED DOG Sarah Hodgeson Much like the currently popular step-by-step computer guides, this easy-to-follow book offers straight talk on training your dog and appropriate solutions for the ill-mannered dog. 256 pp. / HWL-1995 Order #PERFECT SC $14.95 DOG PROBLEMS Carol Lea Benjamin Here is easily understood advice on house- breaking, aggression, noise control, begging, jumping, and a great deal more. 224 pp. / 57 cartoons / HWL-1988 Order #DP SC $13.95 DOG PROBLEMS THE GENTLE MODERN CURE David Weston & Ruth Ross Offers new solutions to behavior problems, entirely force-free, using the latest scien- tific findings on operand conditioning. 144 pp. / 124 color photos / HWL-1993 Order #DPTGMC SC $13.95 DOG PSYCHOLOGY THE BASIS OF DOG TRAINING Leon Whitney D.V.M Cited by the Dog Writers Association of America as the Best Technical Book of 1972 and still just as applicable today, this manual interprets the physiological and psychological makeup of the dog, allowing the owner to achieve optimum results. 216 pp. / 34 illus. / HWL-1971 Order #DPTBODT $22.95 DOGS AND KIDS PARENTING TIPS Bardi McLennan A unique feature of this book is the way it examines the dog-child relationship, with abundant guidance offered in an area seldom discussed. Multiple choice solutions and prob- lem prevention allow for breed differences and unique personalities, thereby creating the best possible solution for both the dog and the family. 224 pp. / 60 photos / HWL-1993 Order #DAKPT $18.95 DOG'S MIND UNDERSTANDING YOUR DOGÕS BEHAVIOR Dr. Bruce Fogle How do dogs perceive the world around them? How do they see, hear, learn, relate to their owners? Why do they suffer stress, and how can it be coped with? Combining 20 years of prac- tical veterinary experience with an understanding of the latest research, Fogle has written the most inclusive book on how the canine mind works. 224 pp. / 65 illus. / HWL-1992 Order #DOGMIND SC $15.95 DOGS SELF-TRAINED A BASIC OBEDIENCE TRAINING MANUAL Robert T. Self A working tool for the trainer, containing a programmed course to help develop a method suitable to you and your dog. 155 pp. / 300+ photos / 1981 Order #DST1 SC $13.95 AN ADVANCED TRAINING MANUAL Includes Open and Utility 147 pp. / 300+ photos / 1981 Order #DST2 SC $15.95 IMPROVING THE OBEDIENCE DOG THE SELF-TRAINED WAY 152 pp. / photos / 1987 Order #DST3 SC $16.95 DOG TALK TRAINING YOUR DOG THROUGH A CANINE POINT OF VIEW Ross & McKinney Teaches the reader to foster a relationship with dog similar to that of their mother or pack leader. Includes advice on controlled walking, preventing jumping, swimming, avoiding chewing, coming on command, and much more. 261 pp. / illus. / glossary / 1992 Order #DOGTALK $22.95 DOG TRAINING FOR KIDS Carol Lea Benjamin See ÔOf Special Interest to ChildrenÕ for description. Order #KID-005 $16.95 DOG TRAINING GENTLE MODERN METHOD David Weston A method of dog training devoid of any form of punishment, correction, or the need for handling or force. For both the novice and experienced trainer, this simple and quick method will yield effective and enjoyable results. 96 pp. / 93 color photos / 4 illus. HWL-1992 Order #DTGGM SC $10.95 DOG TRAINING IN 10 MINUTES Carol Lea Benjamin In the authorÕs own words ÔThe point of training is not so much what it teaches the dog to do, but what it helps the dog to become--the most evolved, interesting, communicative, playful friend he can be.Õ Here, the she teaches the reader training tips that can be integrated into daily ac- tivity with the dog, making training fun and interesting for both the owner and the dog. 160 pp. / 45 color photos/ 62 color drawings / HWL-1997 Order #DOGT10 SC $14.95 DOG TRAINING MADE EASY Michael Tucker In easy-to-follow fashion, the author tells how to choose and house-train a puppy, teach it basic commands, introduce a dog to a wide variety of common situations and distractions, and advises how to solve dog-related behavior problems such as jumping and excess barking. 160 pp. / 90 photos-illus. / HWL-1980 Order #DTME SC $14.95 DOG TRAINING PROJECTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Joel M. McMains See ÔOf Special Interest to ChildrenÕ for description. Order #KID-006 SC $14.95 DOG TRAINING STEP-BY-STEP A NEW GUIDE FOR OWNERS AND INSTRUCTORS Michael Tucker With its crisp, easy-to-understand explan- ations of the basics, this guide builds a good foundation for all remaining training. Includes advanced work, tracking and the theory of scent, agility, demonstration work and jumping tricks. 144 pp. / 70 photos-illus. / HWL-1991 Order #DTSBS SC $12.95 DOG TRICKS See Agility for description. Order #DT $25.95 DOG TRICKS: STEP BY STEP See Agility for description. Order #DOGTSBS SC $19.95 DOG WHO LOVED TOO MUCH TALES, TREATMENTS, AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DOGS Order #DWLTM $22.95 Audiocassette Version. 2 cassettes, 3 hours Order #DWLTMC AC $17.95 DOGWISE THE NATURAL WAY TO TRAIN YOUR DOG John Fisher Presents a successful approach to dog training, based on the premise that successful training requires thinking like a dog. 176 pp. / 80 photos / 1996 Order #DOGWISE SC $12.95 DOMESTIC DOG, THE ITS EVOLUTION, BEHAVIOR & INTERACTIONS WITH PEOPLE James Serpell, ed. Dispels the many myths and stereotypes about dogs. This is likely to be the definitive reference work on dog behavior for years to come. 280 pp. / 20 photos /17 line draw. / 1996 Order #DOMESTD SC $19.95 "DRIVES" A NEW LOOK AT AN OLD CONCEPT Jack/Wendy Volhardt Get the most out of your training pinpoint what turns your dog on and off. Reprint of a 2-part article appearing in Off Lead magazine. 1991 Order #DRIVES SP $6.00 DUAL RING DOG SUCCESSFUL TRAINING FOR BOTH CONFORMATION AND OBEDIENCE COMPETITION Fraser & Ammen This unique book addresses successful training of a dog competing in both con- formation and obedience. Any show dog can shine in obedience. All it takes is some attention to the details and the guidance that you will find in this book, the first to address the specific require- ments of the two-career canine. 256 pp. / 100 photos-illus. / HWL-1991 Order #DRD $25.95 DUNBAR TRAINING PAMPHLETS Ian Dunbar Provide clear, concise techniques to deal with specific problems. 1992 Barking (26 pp.) Order #DPBARK SC $4.00 Chewing plus Trashing (19 pp.) Order #DPCHEW SC $3.00 Digging (11 pp.) Order #DPDIG SC $2.00 Shyness/Fearfulness toward people (17 pp.) Order #DPFEAR SC $3.00 Fighting (32 pp.) Order #DPFIGHT SC $4.50 Housetraining (42 pp.) Order #DPHOUSE SC $6.00 Housetraining Supplement (11 pp.) Order #DPHTS SC $2.00 Preventing Aggression-Biting (42 pp.) Order #DPPA SC $6.00 Socialization (24 pp.) Order #DPSOC SC $3.50 ELIMINATE ON COMMAND M. L. Smith Over 15,000 dogs have been trained during the past 10 years with this remarkably easy and rapid technique. 1984 Order #EOC SC $5.95 EVERYBODY CAN TRAIN THEIR OWN DOG THE ESSENTIALS OF DOG TRAINING Angela White Contains over 80 essential dog-training concepts presented in A-Z format: Barking, biting, chasing, showing, sitting, it's all there, straightforward and clearly written! 200 color photos / TFH-1992 Order #ECTTOD $14.95 Gift box set with book and regular size Gumabone dog chew bone. Order #ECTTODGS 16.95 EVERYDAY DOG TRAINING YOUR DOG TO BE THE COMPANION YOU WANT Nancy E. Johnson Written in easily-followed format, here is a host of training programs for pet owners as well as those interested in training dogs for conformation or obedience. 188 pp. / 154 photos / HWL-1990 Order #EDTYD $19.95 EXPERT OBEDIENCE TRAINING FOR DOGS Winifred G. Strickland Learn how to train your dog successfully through Novice, Open, Utility, and Tracking. Features a special section on common training questions. 302 pp. / 150+ photos / HWL-1987 Order #EOTFD $19.95 FAMILY DOG Richard A. Wolters rev. 1975 Order #FAMILY $20.00 FIDO, COME! TRAINING YOUR DOG WITH LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING Order #FC $24.95 GEORGE CURTIS TRAINING GREYHOUNDS See description under Greyhound. Order #GREYGC $22.95 GOOD DOG A GUIDE FOR THE BEGINNER Joan Bray & Lisa Brack Perfect for the novice dog ownerÉa handy, easy to follow guide to the basics of dog training. Order #GOODDSH SC $7.95 GOOD DOG! + POSITIVE TRAINING TECHNIQUES Deborah Wolfe A concise and practical guide to basic dog training commands and techniques, this book is heavy on practice and light on theory. Also addresses techniques for dealing with housetraining, aggression, and other common canine issues. Based on the philosophy that all dogs want to be Ôgood dogs,Õ the author provides an affectionate and thorough introduction to forging a positive relationship with your four-legged best friend. 148 pp. / photos / 1996 Order #GOOD $14.95 GOOD DOG, BAD DOG DOG TRAINING MADE EASY Siegal & Margolis Completely updated version of a classic training manual helps you tailor your training methods to your dogÕs unique personality. Using positive reinforcement, love and affection rather than punishment as motivation, you can effectively teach your dog the basics as well as correct behavioral problems. Includes an extensive section de- tailing temperament issues for each of 100 different breeds. 338 pp. / photos / 1991 Order #GOODBAD $19.95 GOOD DOG BOOK, THE THE RESPONSIBLE OWNER'S GUIDE TO A HAPPY AND HEALTHY PET Order #GDB SC $10.00 GOOD OWNERS, GREAT DOGS A TRAINING MANUAL FOR HUMANS AND THEIR CANINE COMPANIONS Kilcommons & Wilson Teaches the owner how to communicate with patience, praise, and clarity, resulting in a secure, happy, and well-trained pet. 1992 Order #GOGD $22.95 GUILT-FREE DOG OWNER'S GUIDE, THE Diana Delmar Everything you need to know to care for your dog when you're short on time and space, from puppy-proofing your home to the one-step method of housebreaking. 252 pp. / 1990 Order #GFDOG SC $8.95 HAPPY DOG! CANINE BEHAVIOR AND BASIC TRAINING Ruth I. Hannam Understand dogs and behavior, and end up with a dog that not only does the task requested, but enjoys doing it. Excellent for beginner and seasoned trainer alike. 144 pp. / 100 photos / HOF-1989 Order #HDCBABT SC $29.95 HELP! MY DOG HAS AN ATTITUDE Gwen Bohnenkamp Provides causes and humane, gentle cures for biting, snapping, growling, dominance, fighting, phobias, possessiveness, pro- tective nature, territorial aggression etc. 1994 Order #HELPAT SC $12.95 HIDDEN LIFE OF DOGS Elizabeth M. Thomas Extraordinary insights into canine behavior; you'll come to recognize how dogs express love and longing, cruelty and sacrifice, devotion and wisdom. 1993 Order #HLOD $18.95 HOME DOG Richard A. Wolters Rev. ed. of City Dog. 1985 Order #HOME $16.95 HOUSEBREAK ANY DOG + THE PERMANENT, THREE-STEP METHOD Audrey Carr & LouEllen Davis Surefire methods for happy, painless housebreaking gained over 20 years experience with dogs. Provides special tips for feeding, cleaning and caring for the older, adopted, or problem dog. 144 pp. / 1997 Order #T-PET001 SC $11.95 HOUSEBREAKING AND TRAINING YOUR NEW PUPPY Michael Kelly TFH-1992 Order #H&TYNP SC $5.95 HOUSETRAINING 101 + Kathy Gerding Oistad Based on 20 years experience training dogs with a variety of different backgrounds, the author provides the tools to effectively housetrain a dog. 50 pp. / illus. / 1996 Order #HT101 SP $11.95 HOWELL BOOK OF PUPPY RAISING Charlotte Schwartz Covers the entire canine reproduction process from mating through whelping, and includes details on care, growth, socialization, critical periods, and training of puppies. Scientific fact, a world of experience, and a genuine regard for all dogs makes this a very special text. 176 pp. / 39 illus. / HWL-1987 Order #HBOPR $18.95 HOW TO GET YOUR DOG TO DO WHAT YOU WANT A LOVING APPROACH TO UNLEASHING YOUR DOGÕS ASTONISHING POTENTIAL Warren & Andrea Eckstein Wonderful insights, witty observations, step-by-step advice for communicating with your dog, hassle-free housebreaking, the ABCs of training and discipline, coping with old age, diet, grooming, health, and much more. 1994 Order #HTGYDTD SC $11.00 HOW TO GET YOUR PET INTO SHOW BUSINESS Cpt. Arthur J. Haggerty Everything you need to know to get your pet into show-biz (TV commercials, feature films, stage, fashion shows, and more) is in this book. Topics include handling methods, networking, negotiating contracts, and more. 240 pp. / 23 photos / HWL-1994 Order #SHOBIZ SC $11.95 HOW TO HOUSEBREAK YOUR DOG IN SEVEN DAYS Shirley Kalstone Order #HTH7 SC $5.99 HOW TO RAISE A DOG WHEN NOBODY'S HOME Jerry Climer 2nd/1991 Order #HTRADWNH SC $9.95 HOW TO RAISE A PUPPY YOU CAN LIVE WITH Order #HTRAPYCLW SC $9.95 HOW TO SPEAK DOG Lucine Hansz Flynn 1986 Order #HTSD SC $5.95 HOW TO TEACH A NEW DOG OLD TRICKS THE SIRIUS PUPPY TRAINING MANUAL Ian Dunbar A comprehensive workbook for the motivated dog owner, comprised of sections on basic off - leash obedience, temperament modification, behavior problem troubleshooting, and training theory. Emphasis is on inducive training techniques which teach the dog to want to comply. 114 pp. / 1991 Order #NEWOLD SP $17.95